Ship International Parcel at DHL Courier Chennai Express Service Point

Using international express shipping services at a DHL Express Service Point Hello and thank you for visiting DHL Courier Chennai. I would like to send a mobile device to my sister in the United States. Do you provide this service? We do, indeed.

Ship international parcel at DHL Courier Chennai Express Service Point

How many would you like to ship? DHL Express allows you to ship up to two devices per box. Only one device, and can it be shipped in the same box as other general items? What other items are there? Three jackets and one pair of shoes.

In that case, you can have them all shipped in one box. Did you bring everything you needed to ensure the safety of the air transport? DHL Express, must the items be inspected before packing them in the shipment box?

Okay, and how much does shipping cost when we handle air shipments? Our shipping fees are calculated based on chargeable weight, which is either the actual weight or the volumetric weight of your shipment.

Whichever is greater. In your case. A no. 4 container with dimensions of 33x32x18 can be used. Volumetric weight is calculated by multiplying the container’s length, width, and height in centimetres by 5,000, which equals 5 kilogrammes. As a result, the volumetric weight will be used to calculate the shipping fee.

How many days does it take for the shipment to be delivered? Usually shipping to the U.S. or Europe takes about 3-4 business days, not including the customs clearance time in the destination country. DHL Express also offers shipment insurance to provide peace of mind to DHL’s customers and to ensure that the shipment will reach the destination safely and on time. Yes, I am. How do you charge for the insurance for shipment of documents? We charge 219.30 Indian Rupee for insurance.

For shipment of a package with total invoice value of less than 1,75,443.08 Indian Rupee. DHL International Chennai charge 328.96 Indian Rupee for insurance tax, not included. For shipment of a package with total invoice value of more than 1,75,443.08 Indian Rupee.

We charge 2 % of the total invoice value. For example, if the total invoice value is 2,19,353.90 Indian Rupee, the insurance premium would be 2,19,359.70 x, 2 % = 4,387.19 Indian Rupee. With DHL Express 12:00. Your shipment to more than 84 countries and territories worldwide will be delivered before 12 noon.

On the next possible business day., An extra 438.75 Indian Rupee is charged on top of the DHL Express Worldwide charge. With DHL Express 9:00 (delivered by 10:30 in the U.S.). Your shipment to more than 26 countries worldwide is guaranteed to be delivered by 9:00 a.m. on the next possible business day. An extra 1,754.85 Indian Rupee is charged on top of the DHL Express Worldwide charge. Can you please show your identification card or passport? Is it required to ensure safety and be following international shipping regulations? The sender must provide a document to confirm their personal information.

The required documents are as follows:

  1. An invoice containing information about the shipment. The value of the shipment must be declared for the purpose of customs clearance in the destination country.
  2. The air waybill displaying the 10-digit tracking number that the customer can use to track the status of their shipment anytime. The following items are currently prohibited for all shipments. Through DHL under any circumstances. This is a result of a policy decision following the full consideration of operational legal and risk management. Implications.,

The prohibited items are live animals hunting, animal trophies animal parts such as ivory and shark fin animal remains animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and items prohibited for movement by the CITES Convention.

And/Or, local law. Human remains or ashes Bullion (of any precious metal,) Cash (current legal tender) Loose precious and semi-precious stones, Firearms ammunition, explosives, and explosive devices.

Illegal goods such as counterfeit goods and narcotics Property, the carriage of which is prohibited by any law, regulation or statute of any federal state or local government of any country to or through which the shipment may be carried.

For more information, please contact +91 9789068591 at any time. Can I ship a Buddha What kind of Buddha figure A table statue of Buddha? Yes, Buddha statues can be shipped. If the statue is less than 5 years old.

It can be shipped right away, but if the statue is more than 5 years old, you need to acquire prior authorization for export from the Department of Fine Arts and go through customs clearance, which should take about 1-3 days.

You can authorize DHL Express to handle the customs clearance.

Documents required for customs clearance are as follows:

Form for registering as an individual exporter. (attach 8 for renewal) Form for registering DHL as Type 7 customs clearance broker (for an individual) Form for registering with the Customs Department as Type 1 (for an individual) List of customs clearance brokers, (for an individual) Power of attorney Form for adding a broker (attach 7 ) Power of attorney form for renewal (attach 8 ) Power of attorney form for registering (attach 1).

  1. Restricted items, hardwoods, teak, lumber, etc.
  2. Buddha images. Kohn masks.
  3. Paddy.
  4. Leather products made with genuine leather such as bags **except, cowhide**.
  5. Radio, transceivers, and telecommunications equipment.
  6. Chemicals (, some of which need to go through the analysis, department,)
  7. Medical equipment, condoms IV, tubes.
  8.  Sugar, sugar cane, molasses.
  9. Tobacco leaves (fresh or dried) plug tobacco (, any part of the tobacco plant, which has been pulverized and made into cakes with or without additives.) shredded tobacco products, such as cigarettes and cigars, prepared shredded tobacco chewing tobacco and tobacco seeds.
  10. Rubber, rubber sheets crepe, rubber.
  11. Products derived from processed cassava (excluding tapioca).
  12. Bean dregs.
  13. All types of coal and charcoal.
  14. Coffee contact.

You can track the status of your shipment on the DHL Express website at

Customers using DHL Express for the first time can collect reward points from using DHL services by registering via SMS. The reward points can be redeemed for discounts on services. That sounds great.

Thank you very much. Thank you for choosing DHL Courier in Chennai.

Courtesy: How TO Ship an International Parcel At DHL Express



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